101 degrees. That’s my body temp right now — yep, a week before our 10th annual Halloween show and album release I’m sick as a dog. This was my last weekend to be out promoting, but I’m down for the count. Thankfully Jim is picking up my slack: he was all over downtown San Jose last night and will be at the Papa Wheelie show tonight, happening at the Time Out up in Concord.
I’m not the only one who is sick right now. Matt is just recovering from a bug as well. And it’s no surprise. It seems every year something happens to us around Halloween to keep things interesting.
The band has a saying that goes “No knives, no extreme sports, no yard work” which we start telling each other in late October. It basically means: Be fucking careful! One October I sliced my hand open on a knife doing dishes, Jim hurt himself mountain biking and using a power tool, Matt twisted his ankle, and I threw my back out. But every year, we laugh it off and find a way to keep going…
Can’t wait for next Saturday. Hope to be back 100% and ready to kill.
I think I’ll cover myself in bubble wrap until then.